We know that UFOs communicate through melody since encounters of the third type. It turns out that a little green man is seeking to converse with a tiny pink woman from the comfort of his flying saucer. Unfortunately, the audio pearls which allow them to communicate are mixed up. Manipulate the notes opposing the aliens in such a way that both melodies correspond with each other. The game calls upon your listening skills and ability to concentrate. It has 16 levels: the higher the level, the longer the melodies. The notes which make up the melodies are reshuffled at the beginning of each new game.
The game may be played in the dark and is accessible to people with visual disabilities; visually impaired or completely blind. With two players, each one attemps to manipulate his notes in order to make them correspond to the notes of his partner.
By purchasing this game, you help Ludociels for all, our not-for-profit organisation, pursue its mission to develop educational video games that are accessible to people with special needs, due to an impairment or a school dropout situation.
You can see all our initiatives and accomplishments on our website: www.ludocielsforall.org If the game does reasonably well, we could adapt it into a learning game helping fully sighted, impaired and blind children memorise historical dates. The notes on the left will correspond to dates, and those on the right will correspond to events.
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